Information always matters in the reality of data center management. Whether it relates to the ins and outs of a given market sector or the complex systems underpinning your infrastructure, being in the know just pays off. At EasyDCIM, we deeply appreciate the value of staying in the know – especially when it comes to understanding how others view our efforts and rate the services we provide. To ensure we’re always improving, we turn to the best source possible: our customers.

Rackdog - Shon Manov - EasyDCIM Case Study

One such customer is Shon Manov, Co-Founder of Rackdog, who recently shared insights into how partnering with EasyDCIM has shaped their business journey.

A quick glance at the background

To give more context on Rackdog’s operations, we asked Shon for a brief introduction to his company. Here’s the summary he provided:

Rackdog is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider, offering bare metal, cloud compute, colocation, and IP transit. We cater to companies at any stage of their business cycle, from startups to enterprises, ensuring we meet their requirements and exceed expectations. At the moment we offer services in Ashburn, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, and Sydney but our network stretches far further than just these locations.”

Of course, we couldn’t resist a follow-up question about the company’s further development. Shon was quick to let us in on their plans to continue expanding their locations and global network, and to keep enriching their offer with new features and services.

The move to EasyDCIM

Now that we had a clearer picture of Rackdog’s business, we went on to inquire what led Shon to choose EasyDCIM. He pointed to the easy to use interface as a major factor, due to the challenges they themselves had been facing, and taking into account their clients’ common struggles:

“Before using EasyDCIM, keeping track of inventory was not always the most efficient and created extra work for us. EasyDCIM also solved the problem for us of automating many of the tasks our clients used to have to open a support ticket for, such as virtual console and OS reinstallation.”

When asked if they had ever tried out any alternatives to EasyDCIM, Shon explained briefly:

“We used a previous solution, but ultimately it came down to their development team not actively pushing new updates and missing key features that we needed.”

Reaching new heights

Knowing that this stagnation in progress led Rackdog to our doors, we couldn’t help but wonder what the biggest wins for Rackdog were after switching to our services. Shon didn’t hesitate to share how the transition fueled their efficiency and let them experience a substantial improvement in automation:

“EasyDCIM has helped us immensely by automating the provisioning and installation process of dedicated servers. We can now provision bare metal servers in under 20 minutes, including OS installation, without any human intervention. It has also made our support team’s job easier with reducing the time it takes to troubleshoot and track down devices when we need to do physical maintenance on hardware.”

Curious about which specialty on the EasyDCIM’s menu stood out most for Rackdog, we asked Shon to name his favorite. This turned out to be a quite demanding task, given the many features that made an actual difference in the company’s everyday workflow. Still, Shon managed to fish something out of the bag of the most appreciated functionalities:

“It’s hard to pick one feature to call our favorite, but the automatic OS reinstallation has to be one of the most used and important features for us.”

Looking to the future

Whenever there’s an opportunity to ask bold questions, we jump at it eagerly. This time we couldn’t miss it either, so – encouraged by what Shon had shared up to that point – we asked him this: Would you recommend EasyDCIM to other companies? His honest response made us smile from ear to ear, and by us we also mean Konrad Keck, our CEO & Founder, for obvious reasons:

“Certainly, EasyDCIM is not only a stable and reliable DCIM platform but also has a great support team (shout-out to Konrad – I know we are definitely not always the easiest to deal with =))”

Like any forward-thinking entrepreneurs, Rackdog’s leaders are definitely not content to rest on their current success. As they continue to push boundaries and grow, we’re excited to support them every step of the way. And the question of whether we’ll continue delivering the tools they need to stride confidently doesn’t even call for an answer – we’re already committed to making it happen.

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