Basic System Configuration
Base Settings
Company Name
- Description: This field allows you to specify the name of your company. The name entered here will be displayed throughout the system wherever the company name is referenced.
Administrator Email
- Description: This field allows you to enter the default email address that the system will use to send emails. This is typically the administrator’s email and may be used for system notifications and alerts.
Site Base URL
- Description: In this field, enter the base URL of your system. It should be in the format of
. If you’re using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), the URL must begin withhttps://
. This URL is used as the root for accessing the application.
- Description: This dropdown allows you to select the timezone that will be used within the system. The selected timezone will impact the system’s time settings, logs, and displayed times throughout the application. For example, if you choose
, the system will use Warsaw’s timezone.
Default Client Area Language
- Description: This dropdown allows you to select the default language for the Client Area section of the application.
Admin Area Language
- Description: This dropdown allows you to select the default language for the Admin Area section of the application.
Mail Configuration
Mail Driver
- This dropdown allows you to choose the driver used to send email messages. Typically, you will select SMTP for email delivery. This option configures how emails are sent by your system.
SMTP Host Address
- Description: Enter the address of the SMTP mail server you are using to send emails. This is the hostname or IP address of your mail server, for example:
SMTP Host Port
- Description: This field specifies the port number used by the outgoing mail server for SMTP communication. Commonly used ports for outgoing mail include 25, 465, and 587. Port 587 is usually recommended for sending emails over TLS.
SMTP Server Username
- Description: Enter the username for the SMTP server. This is typically an email address, such as
[email protected]
. It is used for authentication to the mail server.
SMTP Server Password
- Description: Enter the password for the SMTP server’s username. The password is used to authenticate the connection to the server.
E-Mail Encryption Protocol
- Description: This dropdown allows you to select the encryption protocol used by the SMTP server for secure communication. You can choose between TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). TLS is typically preferred as it provides stronger security.
Disable Outbound Mail & Enable Logging
- Description: This toggle allows you to disable outbound mail and enable logging. When Yes is selected, the system will disable sending emails but will enable logging of mail transactions for troubleshooting purposes. If No is selected, outbound mail will be enabled.
Disable Emails To Clients & Enable Logging
- Description: This toggle allows you to disable sending emails to clients while enabling email logging. When Yes is selected, emails will not be sent to clients, but the email logs will still be captured. If No is selected, emails will be sent as normal.
Email Template
- Description: This field allows you to select the email template used for outgoing emails. The default template is typically named core. The template is fetched from the system’s template directory and determines the structure and content of the emails sent by the system.
- Description: This toggle allows you to enable or disable GitHub as a Single Sign-On (SSO) provider for login.
- Configure: Clicking the “Configure” button opens the configuration options for setting up GitHub as an SSO provider. This typically involves linking the application to a GitHub OAuth application and providing the necessary API keys.
- Description: This toggle allows you to enable or disable Google as a Single Sign-On (SSO) provider for login.
- Configure: Clicking the “Configure” button opens the configuration options for setting up Google as an SSO provider. This involves setting up Google OAuth and entering the necessary credentials such as Client ID and Client Secret.
Client Area OAuth Provider
- Description: This toggle enables or disables OAuth authentication specifically for the Client Area. When enabled (Yes), clients can use OAuth services to authenticate and log into the client area.
- Configure: Clicking the “Configure” button opens the settings where you can specify which OAuth provider(s) are allowed for the client area login. You will need to enter OAuth credentials (Client ID, Client Secret) and configure any other required settings.
Backend OAuth Provider
- Description: This toggle enables or disables OAuth authentication for the Backend (Admin Area). When enabled (Yes), administrators can log into the backend using an OAuth provider.
- Configure: Clicking the “Configure” button allows you to set up OAuth for the backend section of your application. Like the Client Area OAuth configuration, you will need to enter the necessary OAuth provider credentials.
Email Summaries
Daily Email Summary
- Description: This toggle allows you to enable or disable the daily email summary. If enabled (Yes), you will receive a summary of the day’s events or activities via email.
- Configure: Clicking the “Configure” button will open settings to adjust the content, recipients, and other preferences for the daily summary email.
- Test: Clicking the “Test” button allows you to send a test email to verify what the daily email summary will look like before it is sent to real recipients.
Weekly Email Summary
- Description: This toggle enables or disables the weekly email summary. If enabled (Yes), you will receive a weekly summary of the system’s activity or relevant information.
- Configure: Clicking the “Configure” button will open settings to adjust the content, recipients, and preferences for the weekly email summary.
- Test: Clicking the “Test” button sends a test email to preview the weekly summary email before sending it to real recipients.
Monthly Email Summary
- Description: This toggle enables or disables the monthly email summary. If enabled (Yes), you will receive a monthly summary containing a recap of the activities, statistics, or important updates over the past month.
- Configure: Clicking the “Configure” button will allow you to adjust the content, recipients, and other settings for the monthly summary email.
- Test: Clicking the “Test” button sends a test email to check what the monthly email summary will look like.
Rack View
- Description: This dropdown allows you to specify the type of rack view in the system. You can choose a quick view or a full page view for displaying the rack summary.
Floor Skipping
- Description: This toggle specifies the type of floor redirection in the system. If the location contains only one floor, it will automatically redirect to that floor. If set to Yes, the system will skip floors when navigating to a location with just one floor.
Graphs Type
- Description: This dropdown specifies the type of graph to display in the system.
Table View
- Description: This dropdown allows you to select the type of table view in the system. You can choose either a normal view or a more compact view, depending on how you prefer the data to be displayed in table format.
Logo & Favicon
- Description: This section allows you to upload the logo and favicon for your system. The logo is used throughout the client area interface, while the favicon is used in the browser tab for your site.
- Upload Option: You can drag and drop files or click to upload the logo and favicon images.
Custom Backend CSS
- Description: This text box allows you to enter custom CSS code for the backend section of your system. Use this field to override the default styling or add custom styles to the admin interface.
- CSS Code: Write CSS code without style tags, e.g.,
a { text-decoration: none; }
Custom Client Area CSS
- Description: This text box allows you to enter custom CSS code for the client area of your system. Similar to the backend CSS, this lets you apply custom styles to the client-facing portion of your application.
- CSS Code: Write CSS code without style tags, e.g.,
a { color: blue; }
System Access
Allowed IP Addresses (Backend)
- Description: This field allows you to specify a list of IP addresses or IP ranges (in CIDR format) that are allowed to access the backend section of the system. You can add multiple IP addresses or ranges separated by commas. By default, all IP addresses are allowed unless specified otherwise. Examples: ‘’ or ‘’.
- Reset Whitelist: The system provides a command to reset the whitelist:
php /opt/easydcim/console settings:allowed-ips
Allowed IP Addresses (API)
- Description: This field is used to specify a list of IP addresses or IP ranges (in CIDR format) that are allowed to access the API section. Like the backend IP addresses, you can add multiple IPs or ranges, and by default, all IPs are allowed. Examples: ‘’ or ‘’.
Disable Client Area
- Description: This toggle allows you to enable or disable access to the client area. When set to Yes, the client area will be disabled and users will no longer be able to access it. If set to No, the client area remains accessible.
Advanced Firewall
- Description: ModSecurity is an open-source web application firewall (WAF) that provides comprehensive protection for web applications. It monitors and filters HTTP traffic, helping to block potential threats and vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other common web attacks.
- Configure: Clicking the Configuration button allows you to configure advanced firewall settings for your application.
ModSecurity Enabled
- Description: This toggle allows you to enable or disable ModSecurity.
Additional Allowed IP Addresses
- Description: This field allows you to specify additional IP addresses that are not filtered by ModSecurity. These IP addresses will be exempt from the ModSecurity rules, which means they won’t be subjected to the standard HTTP traffic filtering. You can enter multiple IP addresses or ranges (in CIDR format) if you want to allow certain trusted sources to bypass the firewall protection.
Support Team Access
- Description: This toggle allows you to enable or disable access for the support team. If enabled, the support team can access the system to provide assistance. When you enable this option, they can use special access keys to log in and assist you with system issues.
- Enable Support Team Access: Clicking this button will allow you to enable the support team access.
SSH Access
- Description: This section manages the SSH access for the system. You can regenerate the SSH keys for secure access by running a command in the terminal.
- Regenerate SSH Keys: The system provides a command to regenerate SSH keys:
php /opt/easydcim/artisan ssh:generate
System Access Port
- Description: This field specifies the port number used for SSH access to the system. The default port is 22, which is the standard port for SSH. You can modify this if needed to a custom port for better security.