
EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For HostBill is a cost-free module designed to ensure broad assistance in provisioning and management of EasyDCIM dedicated servers directly within your HostBill platform. With it, your clients can control all specifics of their servers without navigating away from your website.

You will gain the flexibility to deliver products that dynamically cater to your customers' needs, possible through the use of various configurable options. Included among the key actions available both to you and your clients will be the ability to start, reset or shut down servers. Moreover, the module will guarantee seamless management of service actions and email notifications, while also providing a range of additional settings to let you customize the intervals of bandwidth usage calculation and percentile billing for overages. What will keep daily tasks even more effortless for your clients are the tools allowing easy access to the KVM and noVNC KVM console, mounting custom ISO images, and handling rDNS records. Along with all this, the module is equipped with user-friendly charts, making it equally easy for you and your customers to track any changes in resource consumption.

Rest your trust in EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For HostBill to map out the smoothest path to upgrading all your server management rituals!


  • Create/Terminate/Suspend/Unsuspend Server
  • Start/Stop/Reset/BMC Cold Reset Server
  • Toggle Rescue Mode
  • Access KVM Java Console (Dell And Supermicro Servers)
  • Access noVNC KVM Console (AMI, Dell, HP And Supermicro)
  • One Click Login To User Control Panel
  • View Server, General And Location Information:
    • View Server ID And Order ID In EasyDCIM Panel
  • View Server Resource Statistics:
    • Bandwidth Usage
    • Aggregate Traffic
    • Ping
    • Status
  • Configure Product Details:
    • Default Server Options:
      • Server Model
      • Server Location
      • OS Template
      • Number Of Additional IP Addresses
      • Disk Layout
      • Extras
    • Automation Settings:
      • Automatic Order Acceptance And Server Matching
      • Define Required Devices:
        • PDU
        • Switch
      • Block Automatic HostBill Suspension/Unsuspension/Termination
      • Define Bandwidth Notification Limit
      • Control Service Access Level
    • Define Additional Part Requirements:
      • HDD Models
      • SSD Models
      • RAM Models
      • CPU Models
    • Define Additional Metadata Requirements
    • Define Client Portal Features:
      • Service/General/Location Information
      • Graphs
      • Server Actions
      • Overview Tables
      • Extensions Access
      • OS Installation Actions
      • Available OS Templates For Rebuilding
    • Control Service Actions And Email Notifications
    • Generate Default And Additional Parts Configurable Options
  • Determine Monthly Interval Of Bandwidth Usage
  • Define Percentile Billing Of Bandwidth Overages
  • Use EasyDCIM Merge Fields In Email Templates
  • Start/Stop/Reset/BMC Cold Reset Server
  • Receive Email Notification On Complete Server Creation
  • Toggle Rescue Mode
  • Access KVM Java Console (Dell And Supermicro Servers)
  • Access noVNC KVM Console (AMI, Dell, HP And Supermicro)
  • One Click Login To User Control Panel
  • View Server, General And Location Information:
    • Change Server Hostname
    • Change Server SSH Password Field
  • View Bandwidth Usage
  • View Server Resource Statistics:
    • Aggregate Traffic
    • Ping
    • Status
  • Add Custom ISO Images To Server
  • Rebuild Server Using OS Templates And Your Own Credentials
  • Manage Reverse DNS Records
  • View Access List With Stored Passwords
  • Server Model
  • Server Location
  • OS Template
  • Disk Layout
  • Metadata
  • Number Of Additional IP Addresses
  • HDD Size (Of Any Additional Parts)
  • SSD Size (Of Any Additional Parts)
  • RAM Size (Of Any Additional Parts)
  • CPU Cores (Of Any Additional Parts)
  • Custom - To Be Displayed In EasyDCIM Service Configuration
  • AMI
  • DELL
  • HP
  • Supermicro
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Supports EasyDCIM v1.9.6 And Later
  • Supports PHP 8.1 Back To PHP 7.4
  • Supports HostBill Themes “Nextgen Clean” And “2019”


Oct 25, 2023
Version 1.3.1
Bug Fixes:
  • [Database Connection] - Several amendments regarding database connection, such as uploading the "includes/modules/Hosting/easydcim/app/Enum/Config.php" configuration file and automatically connecting to the HostBill database
Sep 27, 2023
Version 1.3.0
New Features:
  • [ISO Images] - Clients can now add custom ISO images to their servers by providing a direct URL to the .iso files
  • [Product Configuration - Additional Metadata] - Added ability to configure additional metadata that will be required on the server if automatically assigned after the order is placed
  • [Product Configuration - Overview Tables] - Option to toggle the display of overview tables in the client area related to the server and general information, location and bandwidth
  • [Configurable Options] - The generated configurable options for metadata will now be displayed in the product configuration
Bug Fixes:
  • [Service Actions] - Several amendments introduced in notifications
  • [Service Actions - Log Into Panel] - Resolved issue with the Log Into Panel functionality
  • [Client Area] - Numerous fixes in the client area notifications
  • [Graphs] - The time interval selection for individual graph data display will now work smoothly
  • [Cron] - Resolved issue with the cron job responsible for collecting bandwidth usage
Mar 24, 2023
Version 1.2.2
Bug Fixes:
  • [Configurable Options] - Resolved issues related to default configurable options generation
Mar 2, 2023
Version 1.2.1
Bug Fixes:
  • [Graphs] - Resolved issues with data loading that affected graph functionality
  • [Reverse DNS] - Fixed process of adding, editing and deleting records
  • [Rebuild Action] - Fixed server rebuild and process cancellation issues
  • [Change Hostname] - Resolved issues related to hostname editing
Mar 1, 2023
Version 1.2.0
  • ["2019" Theme] - Enhanced integration with the HostBill "2019" theme
Jan 18, 2023
Version 1.0.0
  • Stable Version


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